I was wrong; I am sick

Last year after my marathon, I felt this way, but put off going to a doctor for a while. This time around, with a newborn in the house, I wasn't going to wait. Sure enough I have an upper respiratory infection. I essentially have no voice, am coughing occasionally, but I have no fever. My head is a little swimmy though.

So I'm on the same meds as last year that worked pretty well. I do feel better tonight than I did this morning. As long as I can get a little better every day I'm not too worried. I will lose a week of any kind of working out besides some short walks with my dog, but at this point I don't care about that. I just want to get healthy. It's needless to say, but the 8k is out this weekend. And depending on how the next few days go, a Turkey Trot may be out of the question too. I'm not giving up hope yet!


Danny said...

you're right, you DO have the same thing as me. exact symptoms.

except i didn't go to a doctor (but i did go to medical school) and i'm not on antibiotics. i think i'm getting better though.

(funny. i felt like crap the last few days and nobody cared. today i feel a little better, but my voice keeps going out on me, and so all of a sudden everyone seems concerned. shrug. i took advantage and left work early today. :-) )

Robert Barker said...

I hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Man, I hope you recover well and quickly.